The Fish Guys Expedition | Part 1
George Fear and I head into the Northern Amazon to document more beautiful, nike air max pas cher rare and hard to find tropical fish species in their natural biotopes.
George Fear and I head into the Northern Amazon to document more beautiful, nike air max pas cher rare and hard to find tropical fish species in their natural biotopes.
The moment the reflection of the morning sun touches the surface of the river you understand why they call it white water; the milky reflection of the silt-laden flow makes you wonder how any aquatic creature navigates a daily existence here. Immediately I understand the necessity of the long whiskers
The route of the Cardinal Tetra One of the aquarium fish with more pages held in the books of hobbyists than Discus and Angelfish combined is the Cardinal tetra. More precisely, Paracheirodon axelrodi. These characids we could consider as the most popular tetras in the ornamental fish hobby, their distinctive
The discus was a high body Red-Spotted Green. It looked like the high body form commonly reared by Asian breeders. This specimen, however, was unique. It was caught in the Nanay River in Peru. I have seen wild caught Snakeskins, Pigeon Bloods and solid Blue Discus. These examples suggest that