For many years, the classification of the freshwater bullhead has been a topic of much confusion. So what species do we have in Britain, and how did they get here? Growing up along the river Avon, before I’d ever considered fishing with rod and line, as all young children should, I explored! I can recall many fond memories of walking along the margins with a little dip net, catching Three-Spined Stickleback, Minnows, and tadpoles; turning up stones in chalk streams, clutching Stone Loach and prickly Bullhead by hand; and even the using the age-old jam-jar-tied-to-string-with-a-chunk-of-bread-inside technique, an effective way of …
Does the river blenny Salaria fluviatilis (Asso, 1801) (Actinopterygii: Perciformes) still survive on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus? – Zogaris et al 2014
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The influence of the Rupununi portal on distribution of freshwater fish in the Rupununi district, Guyana – De Souza et al 2012
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Los peces argentinos de agua dulce – Ringuelet et al 1967
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The late Pleistocene origin of the Italian and Maltese populations of Potamon fluviatile (Malacostraca: Decapoda): insights from an expanded sampling of molecular data – Vecchioni et al 2017
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Potamon fluviatile lanfrancoi, a new subspecies of a Mediterranean freshwater crab from the Maltese islands – D. Capolongo & J. Cilia 1987
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A Molecular Perspective on Systematics, Taxonomy and Classification Amazonian Discus Fishes of the Genus Symphysodon – Amado et al 2011
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European Red List of Freshwater Fishes – Freyhof & Brooks 2011
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Río Negro, rich life in poor water : Amazonian diversity and food-chain ecology as seen through fish communities – Goulding et al 1989
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Freshwater fishes of the Burdekin River, Australia: biogeography, history and spatial variation in community structure – Pusey et al 1998
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