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Does the river blenny Salaria fluviatilis (Asso, 1801) (Actinopterygii: Perciformes) still survive on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus? – Zogaris et al 2014

The river blenny (Salaria fluviatilis) is rarely mentioned in the natural history literature of Cyprus. This has led to doubts about its existence there. Mistakes with mismatched fish collections have occurred in the past, so it is worth asking whether the recorded specimens are actually from Cyprus and whether the species survives there today. Archived correspondence from the original specimen collector confirms that the record of S. fluviatilis on Cyprus is genuine, yet our extensive surveys there during the last 4 years have failed to locate the fish. A review of the species’ Mediterranean island distribution shows that it exists on 10 islands that are either close to the mainland or are relatively very large in areal extent. Although the mystery of S. fluviatilis survival on Cyprus lingers, efforts must be made to survey all potential habitats and consider planning a re-introduction project if the population is confirmed as extinct.

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