I have been underwater in the same spot for more than an hour, over 500 images taken in the 3 square meters in front of me. I am in Mikolji-land or what Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi calls “The Flow.” I start to hear a faint noise which breaks the underwater silence, I look around and notice it’s raining. I turn around and lie flat on my back on the river bed, looking up. I take an image of “underwater rain” or the pattern that rain creates when it strikes the water. The trees above make a super cool effect. I capture this …
Apistogramma lineata | Biotope & First live photo!
We are in the mid to lower Rio Atabapo, Colombia and back from travelling for many days exploring the Upper Atacavi river in Venezuela. We stop to prepare lunch next to the native ‘Piroa’ community of Gualloval Vitina, this village are the only natives of ‘Piroa’ descent along this river, the rest are known as ‘Kuripako’. The view from the island overlooking the flooded forests with the mountains in the distance. As the others settle down to eat, I climb my way up and over the igneous rock island where we’ve docked our boat and take some time to walk …