Years ago, when I went to this beautiful province for the first time, I asked myself which fish would inhabit the Iguazu Falls, although I like all the fish, my thoughts were oriented (as always) towards the aquarium fish. A little information about this pearl of the Argentine north. The province of Misiones has an area of 29,801km² and is the second largest in the provinces of the Argentine Republic, integrating the Brasilia massif through the missionary plateau. Its rocks contain important amounts of iron, it decomposes and forms part of the soil, giving it the characteristic red color (see …
Biotope Aquarium Set-Up at Maidenhead Aquatics, Melksham
This weekend I had the pleasure and honour of been invited to Melksham by the aquatic chain store Maidenhead Aquatics to take part in the Wiltshire Plecos & Catfish Study Group gathering. The events are held at different times throughout the year in the aim of bringing fishkeeping enthusiasts of all levels together to provide educational talks and unite the community; they also are a great opportunity to ogle at some truly exceptional fishes and maybe even take a few home. The manager of Melksham’s branch is James Gulliver and with the help of Nick Ridout and the other members …
Biotope Aquarium 101: An authentic Guyana biotope for Glowlight Tetras
The Rio Takutu is a river in one of the most interesting and biodiverse places on earth: the Guiana Shield in northern South America. It was most famously documented during the expedition by Robert H. Schomburgk from 1835 – 1844 to mark the borders of territory of “British” Guiana on the orders of Queen Victoria. It was subsequently used as a base to develop large-scale sugar plantations maned by countless African slaves and was only returned to independence in 1966 from whence it became known as Guyana. The fish fauna of this area are highly endemic as a result of the …
The International Biotope Group on Facebook
For aquatic Biotope enthusiasts all over the world, Fjällräven Rucksäcke kaufen please join the leading scientists, nike sb ichthyologists, explorers, adidas en ligne authors and nature lovers in the International Biotope Group. adidas zx flux Supported by C.E. Fish Essentials, timberland chaussure Aquapress – Heiko Bleher and Mikolji.
Heiko’s Thandwe Creek – Channa Biotope
Thandwe creek – Rakhine, Myanmar Biotope from the Rakhine State in western Myanmar Habitat: This is a slowly running medium size creek in the formerly Arakan State on Myanmars western coast bordered by Chin State (in the north) and in the east by the so called divisions Magway, Bago and Ayeyarwady, by the Bay of Bengal in the West and the Chittagong divison of Bangladesh in the northwest. From the north runs a very mountains region south across the State were it rains often, the valleys are filled with creeks, lakes and immense rice fields, coco and palm plantations. Very …
Heiko’s Lago Cuipeuá – Amazon Discus Biotope
Lago Cuipeuá – Amazon Heiko Bleher’s authentic Biotope from the Lake Cuipeuá, Amazon, Brazil. Habitat: This is a lake often confused in with the name Curipera. It is a smaller lake located west from the city Alenquer in the state of Pará in Brazil. There is a single native village of fishermen along its northern shore and the lake is surrounded by growth of large grass, which is submerged during high water period. There are some trees, but most of the area is deforested for cattle and buffalo farming. The lake connects with the Rio Curuá and other bodies …
Heiko’s Meruvambayi River Biotope
Meruvambayi River – Western Ghats, India Biotope from the Meruvambayi River, Western Ghats, Kerala, India Habitat: This biotope is very beautiful and still not as much polluted and destroyed as many other aquatic habitats in this part of India. It has clear water with a slight flow and in some areas it is rich in aquatic vegetation – also along its shoreline. This is why I was able to find a large variety of species living here in harmony. They have a place to find micro organisms, aquatic insects and terrestrial ones, and such untouched biotope offers ample breeding ground …
The Fish Guys Expedition | Part 2
Expedition 2 takes you to the Lost World, ffxiv gil George Fear and I explore the border of Venezuela and Guyana finding some really special fish species and look at their biotopes and behaviour in their natural environments.