Rio Nanay biotope workshop at Maidenhead Aquatics in Melksham

Chris Englezou Biotope, Biotopes of South America, Chris Englezou, Community, Events 4 Comments

This weekend I was invited once again over to Melksham by Maidenhead Aquatics to demonstrate another authentic biotope aquarium set-up. On my last visit here I showed how to recreate the Rio Atabapo during the high water season and this time after consulting with the Maidenhead team about what options we could work with, I gave my suggestions and once the fish list was confirmed, I decided on a biotope aquarium based on a lake along the Rio Nanay in the dry season.  The team at Melksham went right out of their way to try and ensure we had some interesting …

Whirling Disease | Uncovering the truth

Chris Englezou Fish Health 1 Comment

For some time there has been a debate about the causes of the so-called “whirling disease” in discus fish (Symphysodon) and other tropical ornamental fish species. I hope via this article to inspire further research and discussion and highlight some of the facts and myths surrounding this problem. The illness itself is known to cause fish to whirl violently in a circular manner often with no apparent or obvious cause and usually die some short time later. Many theories have come about as to how and why this strange behaviour occurs ranging from infectious organisms to dietary deficiencies or even …

Are discus really that difficult to keep?

Chris Ingham Discus Fish 1 Comment

For years many hobbyist have said that discus are difficult fish to keep, years ago many said impossible to keep. Easy for me to say I know after over forty years of fish keeping. But now we are all armed with up to date knowledge we now know about them, discus are not as difficult to keep as you might have imagined. Even today, many new discus hobbyists keep discus in the same conditions as normal tropical fish. The discus look great and are swimming around, feeding and getting on great with cardinals, neon’s, Cory cats and all the other …

Searching for Discus in Peru & Colombia

Antonio Silva Biotope, Biotopes of South America, Discus Fish, Fish History 2 Comments

The discus was a high body Red-Spotted Green. It looked like the high body form commonly reared by Asian breeders. This specimen, however, was unique. It was caught in the Nanay River in Peru. I have seen wild caught Snakeskins, Pigeon Bloods and solid Blue Discus. These examples suggest that the forms developed in Asia have comparables swimming in the wild in South America. The Green Discus was one reason why I had travelled to Iquitos in the Peruvian Amazon and subsequently to the city of Leticia in the Colombia Amazon. I had never visited the habitat of this discus …

Finding the Rio Xingú Golden Discus

Chris Englezou Discus Fish 9 Comments

  Brian Middleton was his name, the first man to breed the elusive and incredible Xingu River Discus fish. I tried for years to find him, but he had literally disappeared from the aquarium hobby sometime in the late 1990’s or soon thereafter and seemed unreachable. All I had was one old photo I was able to find online which showed just how magnificent these golden Amazonian gems could become under the right care; if only I could find him… Years passed by and my search had more or less dwindled into some sort of long lost idea .. The …